A proud achievement of Desidre Coopasamy would be the opportunity of lecturing at CTA level this year. She has received incredible feedback from both students and lecturers. What has made it even more significant for her is that she is the first black woman to lecture at fourth year level at Rhodes University.

Desidre is finalising her Master’s in Fraud and Risk Management, and what she learns, she teaches in class. She intends pursuing her PhD studies.

Another significant highlight for Desidre is that she is a Thuthuka co-ordinator for Rhodes University. The bursary started off with 30 students in 2016. It has grown to more than 100 students and now includes donors from Fasset and AG.

‘I want my students to be motivated and encouraged. I want them to be the best versions of themselves, to excel and be CAs(SA); to remain humble but build their confidence to be leaders one day.’

One of her favourite quotes is Mahatma Ghandi’s ‘Be the change you want to see in the world’.
